Baker Stories – Meet Sartha of CreamCili

Hi folks! It’s a new month (well half way through a new month) which means it’s time to meet another baker. Can I get a whoop! whoop! This month it’s my honour to introduce you all to Sartha who blogs at CreamCili

She makes amazing bakes (not just cake) and I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading about her and hopefully learn a tip or two 🙂


Name: Sartha 

Occupation: Working with Numbers 

Things you do for fun: Watching my babies, they are constantly surprising me!

What do you bake: From dainty cakes to biscuits and everything in between…

Why did you become a baker: It’s so therapeutic! Also the love for learning and experimentation… 

Favourite places to shop for baking goods:

They stock gems that make your baking and cooking that little special…

Best thing to bake: Madeleine’s!!! 

Biggest challenge to successful baking is: 

‘In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport’ – Julia Child

Certain precisions are important. The realisation that techniques are as important as flair for flavours.

What would you like your cakes, pastry, bread etc. to be known for: ‘Inventive bakes’’

What’s your favourite cake, pastry or bread to bake: Moist Carrot Cake with Roasted Walnuts – a recipe I yet to blog, I seriously need more hours in the day  

One baking item you can’t live without: My Tanita scales…

There you have it folks 🙂 how amazing does that moist carrot cake sound??? and I love the quote from Julia Child ‘In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport’ . And those photos – wow!!!  Show her some love by visiting her blog folks. Also if you bake and would like to be featured on the next baker stories hit me up at

Until next time… have a Good Cake Day!!!


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