It’s a birthday cake… and it’s Gluten Free :)
Looks like soft white clouds of happiness 🙂 Notice my improved combing skills???
Folks! It’s birthday season in my circle of friends (Is that grammatically correct???) and my Murphy Richards mixer has been churning out a lot of cake batter lately. Amazing right??? I think so 🙂
Anyway, whilst I was dreaming up the next cake design to add to my mental to-bake list, my friend Ms N calls me up (o.k it was a WhatsApp message but you get my drift) and asks if can make a gluten free birthday cake for her BAE (yes I said BAE). Naturally I said yes seeing as I generally say yes and figure out the how later and besides I’d made a gluten free chocolate cake before so I was practically an expert (don’t judge me).
Gluten free sponge straight outta the oven
I did some research and decided to use Doves Farm’s Gluten Free Self raising flour as reviewers said it could act as a substitute for normal flour – Jackpot! I also read somewhere that gluten free cakes need more liquid to ensure you get a moist cake.
I used my usual Wilton Yellow Cake recipe and substituted flour accordingly. I have to say that the batter was quite grainy to touch and taste. It also looked like the pre-flour stage of cake mixing where you’ve just added eggs to your creamed butter and sugar so I panicked and didn’t add any extra liquid to the batter as suggested. Instead I stuck to the recipe and decorated as usual.
stars of loveliness
Whilst different texture wise, I think my gluten free sponge was pretty delicious and Ms M and Bae were pretty chuffed 😉 I have to say though that I understand the call for more liquid. It could have been more moist but the chocolate buttercream filling helped a bit on that front me thinks. I also found that it didn’t rise as much as my other cakes do. Either that or after rising it just didn’t retain its height. But hey, I was advised to embrace the difference that is gluten free baking so no complaints from me 🙂 Will I do this again??? Heck yea!!! I had cake for dinner, breakfast and dinner in that order so I’ll be back for more gluten free cake goodness:)
one layer vanilla, one layer chocolate.. Bliss!! If I do say so myself
The first slice… view from the top
someone was a happy bunny 🙂 such a big plate for such a small slice
That’s all folks!
So tell me, have you baked gluten free before? How did you get on? What tips do you have for us professional gluten free bakers (coughs and walks away)? Are you looking to try it for the first time? I’d love to hear from you.
Until next time… Have a good cake day!!!