The Sun’s Out and So Am I!!!
Hello World!!!
So it’s been three months since my last post. Shocking behaviour really!!! My apologies 😦 The good news is that I’ve been working behind the scenes on a few projects. For instance, if you’re reading this on my page, you’ve probably noticed that it’s all brand new. What do you think? It’s still under construction so if you have any suggestions, please let me know 🙂
Orange and cherry cake.. Let’s just say this didn’t last longer than 12 hours 😉
What else have I been up to you ask? You’ve heard of Afrikult right? No??? Where have you been? They’re only the most amazing organisation ever guys, come one. They discuss, explore and celebrate African literature and culture (check them out. No really, check them out). Very excitingly, yours truly was privileged to have a cake stand at their latest event last month. Some photos below!
Gotta say thanks to the punters 🙂
So many people thought these were ice cream cups. Why didn’t I think of that?
Is a caption needed???
Anything else you ask? Jheez, you expect a lot don’t you! Well I suppose it’s been three months so fair enough 😉 Thankfully the month of May was baketastic. My favourite cake was a nautical themed cake for a friend’s wife. Such a treat!
View from the top!
I lurvvveeee this cake!!!
Finally (yes, I’m limiting my update to four items. Need to keep you on your toes for next week’s post don’t I?) my Instagram account lit up like the fourth of July a few days ago. I hit a milestone of 500 supporters/tribe members (not a fan of calling people my followers 🙂 ) following the successful unveiling of my Ankara cake range. It’s been very exciting (notice the number of times I’ve said exciting in this post??? I clearly am 🙂 ).
If you would like to support my journey please join the GCDTribe on Instagram. My handle is @goodcakeday.
Enjoy the photos!
This made me so happy 🙂
My baby 🙂
My favourite shot!!!
That’s all folks! What have I missed with you? Have there been any major developments in your lives? As we’re approaching the second half of the year, is there anything you’d like to see on here? I’d love to hear from you!!
Until next time… have a Good Cake Day!